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Stranded box ship to quit Istanbul after 3 years
SEAPORT SUPPLY CHAIN LTD Published On£º2023-12-25 17:57:56

THE Iranian-flagged 2,188-TEU a Shamim is poised to leave the Turkish port of Haydarpasa, after being stranded there for three years due to US sanctions, reports Athens' Safety4Sea.

As Bloomberg reports, the vessel, which has been blacklisted by the United States, has been anchored in Istanbul since January 2021. The Shamim, subject to sanctions implemented in 2020 as part of measures targeting the Iranian economy, encountered hurdles in both repair efforts and attempts to sell the vessel.

Despite its owner's endeavours to find a buyer among local shipyards, none were willing to engage due to the vessel's sanctioned status. The Shamim's extended stay in the Haydarpasa port accrued substantial port fees, estimated at $1,200 per day, totalling $1.3 million since its arrival.

According to Bloomberg, this incident sheds light on the intricate web of challenges posed by sanctions on shipping, emphasising the economic toll and complexities faced by vessel owners operating under such restrictions.

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