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China-US container leasing rates have risen threefold
SEAPORT SUPPLY CHAIN LTD Published On£º2024-02-26 16:56:36

CHINA-US container leasing rates have risen threefold as container demand recovery appears on the horizon.

In the wake of the Red Sea crisis, the global shipping industry has witnessed a significant uptick in rates over recent months, reports Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide.

Container leasing rates along the China-US trade route have soared 223 per cent, tripling compared to pre-Covid crisis levels.

Moreover, there's anticipation of a recovery in container demand in the coming months, buoyed by signs of resilience in the US economy.

The US economy has demonstrated robustness, with GDP expanding at a 3.3 per cent annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2023.

This growth was propelled by various factors including consumer spending, non-residential fixed investment, exports, and government spending.

Additionally, December's reports on personal income and spending revealed lower inflation and steady household expenditure, fostering a positive economic sentiment.

Despite economic apprehensions, China is witnessing a surge in demand for ocean container freight bound for the United States.

"The gains in consumer spending and retail sales figures suggest that our industry can expect decent demand recovery for goods, which translates into relatively higher container demand on the cards as retailers restock inventory and fulfill consumer orders," said Container xChange CEO Christian Roeloffs.

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