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MSC offers EXIM Paradip-Colombo feeder box shuttle
SEAPORT SUPPLY CHAIN LTD Published On£º2024-03-14 18:00:20

THE Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), has commenced a Paradip-Colombo route starting 240 miles south of Kolkata, to Colombo and back, reports New Delhi's Daily Pioneer.

The 16,421-dwt Panamanian flagged MSC Tiger FMSC Tiger F made its maiden call at the Paradip International Cargo Terminal (PICT). It will be a regular and seamless call for catering EXIM cargo through the Paradip Port as planned three calls in a month of a Paradip-Colombo route.

The ship embarked on its journey to the Colombo Port with export aluminum cargo of 90 TEU on account of Vedanta and 36 TEU on account of Jindal Stainless Limited.

Said Paradip Port Trust chairman PL Haranadh: "Paradip has traditionally been a port concentrating on iron ore, coal and crude oil for the last 57 years since it began in 1967. It is time now to diversify the cargo basket as an estimated 200,000 TEU is available in the hinterland of the port.

"Now, we have a world-class terminal at PICT which is no less than any other container terminal of the country and it has a 14.5-tonnes draft and state-of-the-art machinery to handle container traffic and it has a million tonnes capacity," he said.

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